detective stories kelimeleri ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

Detective Stories Exercise 4

PUZZLE 1. I think that girl broke the vase. She is …………………… 2. My sister didn’t steal anything. She is …………………… 3. My father bought a …………………… for my mother for their wedding anniversary. That looked good on her neck. 4. 5. That …………… looks good on your finger. 6.

Detective Stories Exercise 3

Pick up words related to guilt and investigation (Suç ve soruşturmayla ilgili olan kelimeleri çiziniz.) …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………   Answers: 1. teeth impression 2. steal 3. arrest 4. evidence 5. fingerprint 6. jail 7. rob 8. murder 9. footprint

Detective Stories Exercise 2

Write the names. Answers: 1. earrings 2. necklace 3. bracelet 4. ring Write the opposite of these words. 1. valuable: 2. usual: 3. disappear: 4. guilty: 5. poor: Answers: 1.valueless 2. unusual 3. appear 4. innocent 5. wealthy

Detective Stories Exercise 1

The Funny Thief A woman was going to the shopping centre and she was wearing all her expensive bracelets, necklaces, rings and a pair of earrings. While she was doing shopping a thief saw her and warned her gently. He said: ‘Madam, excuse me. You are wearing all your jewellery. A

Detective Stories

Detective Stories 1. ……………… heavy boxes is dangerous for you if you have got a backache. 2. You must write your essay……………… 3. This diamond ring is very …………….. 4. I ……………… a stranger in the garden. 5. Have you ever read the ……………… of Independence War? 6. He

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