8. Sınıf SBS İngilizce

When / While

When / While

When / While a. When Bu yapının zaman anlatmak için kullanılan ifadelerden biri olduğunu daha önce öğrenmiştik. Bu ünitede ‘When’ in Simple Past Tense ile kullanımını öğreneceğiz. Ex: 1. When you arrived at home, it was three o’clock. 2. When she saw a friend of her, she said ‘Hello!’ b. While Bu yapı daha çok Past Continious […]

Dreams Exercise

Dreams Exercise

Match the numbers with the letters below a. You are going to get high marks and you’ll be very happy. You’ll get a lot of achievements during your life easily. b. You’ll get a promotion and you’ll be the manager of the firm. This will make you feel great. c. You need some freedom and you want to be alone, […]



Dreams 1. Last night I was very …………………. . I went to bed early. 2. You are ……………… for all the work in your room. 3. Horses are …………………… animals. 4. I feel ………………… when I entered the swimming –pool. 5. After working twenty hours at the office I was very ……………… 6. Teaching and […]

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 4

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 4

Write your advices for these people. 1. ……………………………………… 2. ……………………………………… 3. ……………………………………… 4. ……………………………………… 5. ……………………………………… 6. ……………………………………… 7. ……………………………………… Answers: 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. f 6. a 7. g

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 3

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 3

Put the pharagraphs in correct order. 1. A) Then she mixed them with water. B) Finally she, put meat in them and it was ready. C) My mother wanted to cook ‘mantı’ D) First she put some şour, an egg and some salt into a bowl. 2. A) Finally he gave the rest of it to poor people. […]

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 2

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 2

Put ‘and, but, so or because’ 1. I’m very tired ……………. I worked a lot in the morning. 2. Mr. Brown can speak Turkish ………….. he can speak Chinese. 3. Mr. Brown Can speak Chinese ……………. he can’t speak German. 4. Michael was an amateur ……………… he couldn’t play well last night. 5. A frog can live in water […]

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 1

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 1

Put firstly, then or finally 1. …………………. I had breakfast, ………… I had lunch and ……………………. I had dinner. 2. My brother called the office three times and ………………….. he talked to Jim on the phone. 3. …………………. I danced with her but ……………….. I said ‘Would you like to dance with me?’ 4. ………………………. […]

Adjectives Of Emotion

Adjectives Of Emotion

Adjectives Of Emotion This woman is bored. The film is boring. “This woman is bored because the film is boring.” This man is excited. The match is exciting. “This man is excited because the match is exciting.” This woman is surprised. The party is surprising. “This woman is suprised because the party is surprising.” Firstly […]

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 7

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 7

Write the adverb form of the adjectives 1. angry > ………… 2. brave > ………… 3. soft >………… 4. polite > ………… 5. heavy > ………… 6. late >………… 7. hard > ………… 8. good >……….. 9. lucky >………… 10. clever > ………… Answers: 1. angrily 2. bravely 3. softly 4. politely 5. heavily 6. […]

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 6

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 6

Do the same Ex : Don’t eat biscuits or cookies. – You shouldn’t eat biscuits or cookies. Ex : Play away from the streets. – You should play away from the streets. 1. Stop at the red light. ………..………………………….. ………..………………………….. 2. Speak politely to your teacher. ………..………………………….. ………..………………………….. 3. Don’t take too much alcohol. ………..………………………….. […]

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 5

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 5

TRUE or FALSE Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. True

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 4

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 4

Read the passage and answer the questions A Healthy Life For a healthier life you should obey these rules carefully. Eating habits: You shouldn’t eat too much bread or get too much fat. You shouldn’t take too much sugar. You shouldn’t eat fast. You should eat fruit and vegetables. You should eat more fish and […]

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 3

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 3

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 3 Match 1. You should drive carefully. 2. You shouldn’t speak loudly. 3. You should give your seat politely to an old person. 4. You should work hard. 5. You should sit quitely. 6. You should play well. 7. You shouldn’t act bad. 8. You should write clearly. 9. You shouldn’t […]



Adverbs İngilizce’de zarflar, sıfatlara ‘ly’ eki eklenerek yapılır. Tıpkı Türkçe’de olduğu gibi İngilizce’de de sıfatlar ismi; zarflar fiili niteler. Aşağıda zarflara birkaç örnek göreceksiniz. Note: Eğer sıfat “sessiz harf + y ile bitiyorsa, zarf yapmak için “y” düşer ve “–ily” eklenir. Adjective or Adverb? 1. The questions were very difficult in the exam. …………… 2. The […]

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 2

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 2

Write TRUE or FALSE Answers: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 1

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 1

Should / Shouldn’t Exercise 1 What’s the wrong here? Match with the sentences. 1. A: What’s the wrong here? B: ………………………………………. 2. A: What’s the wrong here? B: ………………………………………. 3. A: What’s the wrong here? B: ………………………………………. 4. A: What’s the wrong here? B: ………………………………………. 5. A: What’s the wrong here? B: ………………………………………. 6. A: What’s […]

Should / Shouldn’t

Should / Shouldn’t

Should / Shouldn’t İngilizce’de fikir belirtmek ya da öğüt vermek amacıyla kullanılan yapıdır. (+) S + should + V + O.C + ………….. . You should take an aspirin. My sister should be patient. (–) S + should + V + O.C + ………….. . You shouldn’t take an aspirin. My sister shouldn’t be patient. (?) […]

Body Care

Body Care

Body Care 1. ………………… is very important if you want to look well. 2. A ………………… is for hand care. 3. Don’t use chemical ……………… for your body. 4. Don’t ……………… your face with hard materials. 5. Your skin is so soft and …………… . 6. I want to ……………… these acnes. They look terrible. […]

Relative Pronoun Exercise 5

Relative Pronoun Exercise 5

Write the adverbial form 1. If you are good at Linguistic Intelligence you are a verbal learner and you can express yourself …………………. . 2. I like numbers very much because my intelligence profile is Mathematical Intelligence. I am a logical student and I learn…………… . 4. I don’t like talking to people around me. I’m an intuitive learner […]

Relative Pronoun Exercise 4

Relative Pronoun Exercise 4

LEARNING STYLES 1. Minette is a ……………………… learner. 2. Paul is a ……………………… learner. 3. Sally is an ……………………… learner. Answers: 1. visual 2. kinesthetic 3. audial

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