Object Pronouns

Object Pronouns

İngilizce'de cümlede kullanılan nesne isimlerinin yerine kullanılan ‘Nesne zamirleri' vardır.
Bu ünitede zamirlerin, özellikle nesne zamirlerinin bir cümlede hangi ismin yerine kullanıldığını öğreneceğiz.
Aşağıdaki kullanımlara dikkat ediniz.
1. I know an old woman in my parents' town.
Her name was Diana. One day I saw her in the market.
Bu cümlede ‘her' sözcüğü ‘Diana' isminin yerine nesne zamiri (object pronoun) olarak kullanılmıştır.
2. My parents always eat steak when they go to a restaurant. I sometimes ‘Why do you always eat steak restaurants?' and they just say ‘Because we like it.'
Bu cümlede ‘it' sözcüğü ‘steak' isminin yerine nesne zamiri olarak kullanılmıştır.

Bir de zamiri (subject pronoun) örneği verelim. Ama aradaki farka dikkat edelim.
İlk cümlede “nesne” olarak kullanılan kelime ya da kelimeler ikinci cümlede “özne” durumuna gelecektir.

I remember my first day at school. It was very bad for me.
Bu cümlede ‘it' sözcüğü ilk cümlenin nesnesi olan ‘my first day at schooI kelime grubunun yerine ‘özne' olarak kullanılmıştır.

Object Pronouns.
1. There was a party at the school yesterday.
It was very crowded.
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2. I heard a strange noise at night. It was coming from my sister's room.
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3. We saw a lot of tourists in Göreme last summer.
We sold them souvenirs.
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4. A: Did you see my favourite t–shirt?
B: No, I didn't see it?
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5. I haven't seen Mr. Harrison for five days at school.
Did you see him?
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6. There were a lot of tomatoes in the kitchen.
They were very delicious.
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7. My sister has got a lot of homework and it must be written by hand.
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1. It = a party 2. lt = a strange noise
3. them = the tourists 4. it = my favourite t – shirt (your favourite t – shirt)
5. him = Mr Horrison 6. they = a lot of tomatoes
7. it = a lot of homework

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