Tales and Legends Exercise 7



One day fox fell into a well. He didn't go out again. A goat got thirsty and wanted to drink water from the well. When it  saw the fox the well the goat asked if the water was good.

The fox:
– Good? This is the best water. Do you believe me? If you do, come and see it.
The goat was very thirsty. It jumped into the well. It finished drinking water then looked for a way to go out of the well but he couldn't see it.
The fox said:
– I've got a good idea. Put your legs on the wall. You will get high, then I'lI climb on your back and I will go out easily,
Finally when I go out of the well, I'll help you.
The goat did the same thing which the fox told. The fox went out of the well. The goat asked:
– Won't you help me?
The fox said:
– Think twice before helping a fox
It went and left the goat in the well.

1. Where did the fox fall into?
– .………………………………………… .
2. What did the goat the fox in the well?
– .………………………………………… .
3. What did the goat do after asking the question?
– .………………………………………… .
4. Did he goat find a way to go out?
– .………………………………………… .
5. What did the goat do to help the fox?
– .………………………………………… .

6. Did the fox go out of the well?
– .………………………………………… .
7. Did the fox help the goat?
– .………………………………………… .
8. What did the fox say after going out of the well?
– .………………………………………… .
. What did the fox do after going out of the well?
– .………………………………………… .
10. Was the goat still in the well?
– .………………………………………… .


1. lt fell into a well 2. He asked if the water was good.
3. lt jumped into the well. 4. No, it didn't
5. lt put its legs on the wall. 6. Yes, it did.
7. No, it didn't. 8. lt said. ‘Think twice before helping a fox.'
9. lt went and left the goat in the well. 10. Yes, it was.

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