if clauses type 1 ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

If Clauses Exercise 7 -A Modern Short Story

Do the same Ex: Do you need these shoes? If you don’t, I will give them to a poor child. Ex: Does Jennifer sing a song? If she doesn’t, sing a song for us. 1. Do you need help? ……………………….. I will help mummy. 2. Does your uncle ride

If Clauses Exercise 6 -A Modern Short Story

Shortened Form of ‘If’ Eğer ‘if’li kısımda kullanılacak olan ifade daha önceden kullanılmışsa ikinci kez tekrar etmemek için ‘if’li cümle aşağıdaki örneklerde olduğu gibi kısaltılır. 1. Do you collect stamps? If you do (If you collect stamps), buy some stamps from the stationeries. 2. Do you enter people’s gardens?

If Clauses Exercise 5 -A Modern Short Story

Match with the sentences on page 160 a. If his parents don’t feel well. b. If she studies hard. c. If he smokes d. If the traffic light is red. e. If he feels hungry. f. If it snows g. If you see a traffic accident. h. If she

If Clauses Exercise 4 -A Modern Short Story

Match 1. If he doesn’t go to bed early, ………………… 2. If she doesn’t take care of her brother,……..……………… 3. If you put this on the table, …………………… 4. If your father doesn’t feel well, ………………. 5. If the doctors don’t work hard, ………………. 6. If the weather is

If Clauses Exercise 3 -A Modern Short Story

Match with the sentences on the next page Answers: 1. f 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. e 6. h 7. j 8. g 9. b 10. i

If Clauses Exercise 2 -A Modern Short Story

If Clauses Exercise 2 -A Modern Short Story 1. If Liu ………………………. that job, she will work hard. (want) 2. He’ll go to hospital if he …………………. a headache (have) 3. ………………… a camera for Lucy if you want to buy a present. (buy) 4. If Canan sells her

If Clauses Exercise 1 -A Modern Short Story

Write sentences Ex : Flowers need water. If you don’t water them they will die. 1. Clothes need cleaning. ………………….. don’t wear them. (not clean them) 2. People need eating. They don’t live ………………..(not eat anything) 3. Animals need love. They won’t be happy ………………… (you not love them)

If Clauses -A Modern Short Story

If Clauses İngilizce’deki ‘eğer’ ifadesidir. Başka bir eylemin gerçekleşmesini bir koşula bağlarlar. ‘If’ ile kurulan cümlelerin kurallı olması gerekir. a. If Simple Present Tense will ‘If ‘ ile yapılan bu tür cümlelerde ikinci cümlenin yani ana cümlenin ‘will’ yapısıyla kurulmuş olması gerekir. ‘If’ ile başlayan cümlede asla ‘will’ kullanılmaz. Examples: 1. If you study

If Clauses Exercise 3

If Clauses Exercise 3 Match 1. If you study a lot, you will get high marks. 2. If she mixes yellow and red, she gets ‘orange’. 3. If you practise, you can swim well. 4. If she gets the prize, she’ll be very happy. 5. If you mix red

If Clauses Exercise 2

BEING EQUAL Did you think about your childhood? Did you have shoes? Did you have wardrobes which were full of clothes? Did you have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same day? Did you always have money in your pocket? Could you buy presents for your friends? Did you

If Clauses Exercise 1

Complete 1. What …………………. you ……………. if your boyfriend ……………… your heart? 2. I ……………… very sorry ıf my best friend …………………… me a lie. 3. If the doctors ……………….. harder, the patients …………………. better quickly. 4. Your sister ……………….. weight if she ………………… less. 5. The children ………………

If Clauses (Unreal Past)

If Clauses (Unreal Past) İngilizce’de egerçek olmayan bir durumdan bahsederken kullanılan yapıdır. Robert says IF found a wallet in the street I WOULD bring it to the Police. Cümlesinde yaşanan gerçek bir olay değildir. Robert gerçekleşmesi muhtemel bir durumdan bahsetmektedir. “Caddede bir cüzdan bulsaydım, onu polise götürürdüm.” Do the same Ex: A: What

If Clauses

If Clauses şart demek, bir şeyin meydana gelebilmesi için ondan önce başka bir şeyin gerektiği demektir. şartlı cümleler iki kısımdan oluşur. 1. “if” ile cümle – koşul cümlesi – 2. ana cümle Genellikle “if” li cümle bir koşulu, ana cümle ise meydana gelebilecek ya da gelmiş olan bir sonucu ya da olayı anlatır.

If Clauses Exercise

If Clauses Exercise Division Read and Complete 1. lf you divide sixty three by seven you get ……………………. . 2. lf you divide ninety six by twelve you get …………………….. . 3. lf you divide a hundred five by five you get ……………….. . 4. lf you divide ninety – nine by

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