Sensible Precautions Exercise 1


There a new point of view for the protection of the Earth. If you don't want to consume energy and
sources, you careful about the three R's.
REDUCE: to avoid unneccessary waste generation.
REUSE: to use again.
RECYCLE: to convert things into new products.
What can you do at home? You should reduce the amount of the things you buy or have. Prepare a
shopping list and don't buy everything you want.Use cloth instead of paper tissue for cleaning. Reuse
glass and plastic containers. Give old textbooks, story books, and toys to others. You should buy more
recycled products.
At school you should use notice boards instead of copying. When you don't use, switch of the lights.
You can use both sides of paper for writing.
In your office, you can bring your own glass to drink something. Reuse the envelopes in the office. You
should prepare a recycling programme for recycling.

Answer the questions

1. What should yo do if you don't want to consume energy?
– …………………………………………
2. What should you do about the things you buy or have at home?
– …………………………………………
3. What should you use instead of paper tissue?
– …………………………………………
4. What should you do with your old belongings?
– …………………………………………
5. What should you use instead of copying?
– …………………………………………
6. When should you switch off the lights?
– …………………………………………
7. How can you use the paper for writing?
– …………………………………………


1. You should be careful about the three Rs.
2. You should reduce the amount of the things you buy or have. 3. You should use tissue.
4. You should give old textbooks, story books and toys to others. 5. You should use natice boards.
6. You should switch off the lights when you don't use them.
7. You can use both sides of paper for writing.

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