Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs
İngilizce'de bazı ana fiillerin yanına getirerek yeni fiiller oluşturabiliriz. Böyle fiilere pharasal verbs denir.
Aşağıdaki fiillerin oluşumlarına dikkat ediniz.
Aşağıda tüm öğrenilen ‘phrasal verb'lerin anlamı cümlelerle açıklanmıştır.
Anlamlarını cümlelerden çıkarmaya çalışınız.
– If you can't find your way in a place, ask for it to a person.
– Get on a bus at a bus stop.
– Get off the bus when you go to the right place which you want to go.
– Turn on the lights! I want to read this novel.
– Turn off the lights when you go out in the evening.
– We are waiting for the bus at the bus stop.
– I'm looking for my watch, mum. Where is it?
– Go on studying. Finally you will be a very good student.
– My sister is picking up the şowers in the garden.
– The cat is running after the mouse.
– I'm looking after my little sister because my parents went for a holiday.
– Can I try on this jacket, please?
– I'm turning down the radio because it is too loud.
– Write down the notes. you will have exam tomorrow.
– Asmall child doesn't make up. It is dangerous for their health.
– If you don't know the meaning of ‘complicated' look up a dictionary
– Go along the street then turn right.

the sentences with phrasal verbs.
1. A: What can I do in the garden?
B: You can ……………………….. flowers.
2. I want to …………………….. the bus when I go home in front of my friend's house.
3. The dog is …………………….. the cats.
4. Please ……………………….. the tape recorder.
The baby is sleeping.
5. When you turn right, …………………. the way again because I may not describe the way correctly.
6. Please bring your dictionaries to the class.
If we don't know a word's meaning we are going to …………………. them.
7. I'm not I …………………. the right minibus because I don't want to go to Bakırköy
8. I am a young woman. I can ………………..
. I don't want to …………….. these essays.
They are very long.
10. Please …………….. the radio. I want to listen to the evening news.
11. You must ……………….. the lights because it isn't dark in here.
12. We are ……………….. the bus to the shopping centre at the bus stop.
13. You should ………………… listening to classical music. It's good for you.
14. I'm ……………. Aslı. Have you seen her? I have to give her the notes.
15. You can ………………….. this skirt in the changing rooms.
16. Can you …………………… my dog when I'm in New York?
17. A: Can you tell me the way to the museum, please?
B: Of course. ………………… Braun street and then take the seceond turning on the left. You can't miss it.


1. pick up 2. get off 3. running after 4. turn down 5. ask for 6. look up
7. got on 8. make up 9. write down 10. turn on 11. turn off 12. waiting for
13. go on 14. looking for 15. try on 16. look after 17. go along

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