Tourist Attractions Exercise 7

Tourist Attractions Exercise 7

Disney Amusement Parks


Every child wants to see ‘Disneyland’. There are onderful machines and toys in Disneyland. You can have a great time with your family. It’s huge. Be careful if you don’t want to lose your parents. You will say ‘What a perfect land!’when you first see it.It’s a little expensive but when you enter there your world will be a wonder. You will forget everything about doing homework, cleaning your room or playing with simple toys.
Do you remember Duffy Duck, Minnie Mouse and her husband Mickey Mouse? If you do you can meet them there. Your friends will be much bigger than you but that’s enjoyable.
Your adrenalin will get high when you see the big machines. They look dangerous, but they are not. There is a good security system in the parts.

Answer the questions

1. What are there in Disneyland?
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2. Can you have a great time in Disneyland with your family?
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3. What will you say when you first see it?
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4. What will you forget when you enter Disneyland?
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5. Who can you meet there?
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6. How will your friends be?
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7. Is that enjoyable?
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8. How will your adrenalin be when you see the big machines?
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9. Do they look dangerous?
– .………………………………………… .
10. What is there in the parks?
– .………………………………………… .


1. There are wonderful machines and toys.
2. Yes, you can.
3. You’ll say. ‘What a perfrct land’!’
4. You’ll forget everything about doing homework, cleaning your room or playing with simple toys.
5. You can meet Duffy Duck, Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse.
6. They will be big.
7. Yes, it is.
8. lt’ll be high.
9. Yes, they do.
10. There is a good security system.

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