adjectives sıfatlar ile etiketlenmiş başlıklar

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 4

Write your advices for these people. 1. ……………………………………… 2. ……………………………………… 3. ……………………………………… 4. ……………………………………… 5. ……………………………………… 6. ……………………………………… 7. ……………………………………… Answers: 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. f 6. a 7. g

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 3

Put the pharagraphs in correct order. 1. A) Then she mixed them with water. B) Finally she, put meat in them and it was ready. C) My mother wanted to cook ‘mantı’ D) First she put some şour, an egg and some salt into a bowl. 2. A) Finally he gave

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 2

Put ‘and, but, so or because’ 1. I’m very tired ……………. I worked a lot in the morning. 2. Mr. Brown can speak Turkish ………….. he can speak Chinese. 3. Mr. Brown Can speak Chinese ……………. he can’t speak German. 4. Michael was an amateur ……………… he couldn’t play well last night. 5.

Adjectives Of Emotion Exercise 1

Put firstly, then or finally 1. …………………. I had breakfast, ………… I had lunch and ……………………. I had dinner. 2. My brother called the office three times and ………………….. he talked to Jim on the phone. 3. …………………. I danced with her but ……………….. I said ‘Would you like

Adjectives Of Emotion

Adjectives Of Emotion This woman is bored. The film is boring. “This woman is bored because the film is boring.” This man is excited. The match is exciting. “This man is excited because the match is exciting.” This woman is surprised. The party is surprising. “This woman is suprised

Sınavlara Hazırlık Arama Robotu

Seçim esnek olup ilgili alanları seçiniz, Örneğin ehliyet sınavı için branş olarak matematik seçmeyiniz :)