8. Sınıf SBS İngilizce

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 3

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 3

Match Answers: 1. listening, reading 2. vocabulary 3. using the language

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 2

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 2

Read the texts and match 1. Shaggy is my best friend. He’s changed a lot. He smokes and goes out with bad boys. I’m worried about him. When I try to talk to him he gets nervous ………………… 2. I’ve got very low marks in Maths classes. I can’t understand the subjects well.I always study […]

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1

Phrasal Verbs Exercise 1

Note:Bazı ‘phrasal verb’ler ayrılabilir. Örneğin aşağıdaki fiiller ayrılabilen (seperable) ‘phrasal verb’tür. – Turn the lights on – Turn the lights off – Try this jumper on – Turn the radio down – Write the notes down – Look that word up LANGUAGE CORNER Personally, I think, to me, I believe ve I feel gibi ifadeler […]

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs İngilizce’de bazı ana fiillerin yanına edat getirerek yeni fiiller oluşturabiliriz. Böyle fiilere pharasal verbs denir. Aşağıdaki fiillerin oluşumlarına dikkat ediniz. Aşağıda tüm öğrenilen ‘phrasal verb’lerin anlamı cümlelerle açıklanmıştır. Anlamlarını cümlelerden çıkarmaya çalışınız. – If you can’t find your way in a place, ask for it to a person. – Get on a bus at […]

Language Learning Exercise 1

Language Learning Exercise 1

A Good Language Learner should plan his/her own learning PATH TO LANGUAGE LEARNING REMEMBER Note: A good language learner should: – have the responsibility of learning. – have key skills and learning methods. – learn according to his/her own needs and interests – use resources and take every opportunity to learn. Answer the questions 1. […]

Language Learning

Language Learning

Language Learning 1. We ……………… the notes on the board after our teacher teaches the subject. 2. In Ramadan Feast, you kiss the hands of old people. This is a ……………….. for Muslims. 3. If you don’t know the meaning of a word you can ………………….. a dictionary. 4. The teacher tried to ………………… the […]

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