8. Sınıf SBS İngilizce

Personality Types Exercise 10

Personality Types Exercise 10

Which one is True? Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b

Personality Types Exercise 9

Personality Types Exercise 9

Write the sentences using want + object + to + V form. 1. ‘Play that song’ Ex: Sevim wants me to play that song. 2. ‘Sweep the floors’ The woman ……………… him …………….. the floors. 3. ‘Stay with me.’ The girl ……………… him …………… with her. 4. ‘Read this book for the homework.’ The teacher ………………… […]

Personality Types Exercise 8

Personality Types Exercise 8

Write the apposite.Use the prefixes (–un, ir,–im, –dis) 1. Her language is a little …………… but mine is formal. 2. These verbs in the exercise are regular but in your test there are …………… verbs. 3. This solution is possible but what Leyla has told is really ……………… for everyone. 4. We are twins but we aren’t the […]

Personality Types Exercise 7

Personality Types Exercise 7

TRUE or FALSE Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False

Personality Types Exercise 6

Personality Types Exercise 6

Read the dialogue and answer the questions. WHAT A LUCKY DAY The speaker: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is a very beautiful evening which the stars are shining brightly in the sky. I’m here with a little girl who is very nice and smart. Do you remember we have told you about a woman who lost her […]

Personality Types Exercise 5

Personality Types Exercise 5

Want + object + to + V İngilizce’de birinden bir şey yapmasını istemek için kullanılan yapıdır. Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyiniz. Examples 1. ‘Shut the door.’ I want you to shut the door. 2. My mother wants my father to buy new shoes for her. 3. The doctors want the patients to be patient. 4. The canaries […]

Personality Types Exercise 4

Personality Types Exercise 4

Lack Of Kullanıldığı isimle birlikte bir cümlenin öznesi ya da nesnesi görevinde kullanılabilir. Bahsedilen şeyin yokluğundan bahsetmek için kullanılır. a. We talked about the lack of education at the meeting. (Toplantıda eğitimsizlikten bahsettik.) b. Lack of education is a problem in Turkey. (Eğitimsizlik Türkiye’de bir problemdir.) Adjective + Preposition + V(ing) İngilizce’de ‘sıfat + edat […]

Personality Types Exercise 3

Personality Types Exercise 3

Prefixes im–, dis–, ır–, un– İngilizce’de olumsuz kelime oluşturmak için kullanı lan ön eklerdir. Aşağıdaki örneklere dikkat ediniz. A) possible – impossible B) regular – irregular C) happy – unhappy D) appear – dissappear Find the negative form of the words 1. order > …………….. 2. important > …………….. 3. responsible > …………….. 4. like […]

Personality Types Exercise 2

Personality Types Exercise 2

Label the qualities. ANSWERS:

Personality Types Exercise 1

Personality Types Exercise 1

Read the texts and write their strenghts and weaknesses. Answers: Britney: being hardworking, being good at verbal exercises and problem solving. –being not punctual Benjamin: being good at team work, being talented active and outgoing –being lazy and undisciplined Jane: being cheerful, practical and independent –panic in new situations, being bad at making new friends.

Personality Types

Personality Types

Personality Types 1. There aren’t ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in most of conditions. You should know how to stay ……………….. 2. ………………………. learning strategies make school subjects more difficult. 3. We were really …………….. after watching that horror film. 4. I always have problems with my brother in our relationship. He isn’t ……………… . 5. My […]

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